Instrumenting your code in CI/Staging or the terminal

The most straightforward way to instrument your application is simply to download the OTEL agent and Digma Extension files and then set some environment variables and system properties so that they can instrument the Java process.

You can use this simple script from the terminal:

curl --create-dirs -O -L --output-dir /tmp/otel 

curl --create-dirs -O -L --output-dir /tmp/otel 

export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:/tmp/otel/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar -Dotel.exporter.otlp.endpoint=[DIGMA_URL] -Dotel.javaagent.extensions=/tmp/otel/digma-otel-agent-extension.jar -Dotel.metrics.exporter=none -Dotel.logs.exporter=none -Dotel.exporter.otlp.protocol=grpc" 


java app.jar

Substitute the following values:

  • Replace [DIGMA_URL] with your Digma Collector-API address. If you're running Digma locally this would be http://localhost:5050 by default

  • Make sure to substitute [SERVICE_NAME] with your application name:

  • Substitute the [ENVIRONMENT_ID] value based on the environment identifier in Digma. To retrieve the environment identifier see the instructions on the environment page.

Tracking code changes- Adding Commit hashes to your observability

When new, unexpected, or regression issues are detected, it is helpful to be able to track them in you gi history. Adding the commit history to the traces will allow Digma to narrow down which code changes might be responsible for different problems.

To add the commit identifier to your traces, set the following Resource Attribute: on the trace. The easiest way to do it is via an environment variable. If you can access the commit from your CI, you can add an update row 8 above with the new attribute. Here is an example for implementing that in a Github Action:

git_hash=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`

This information will be used when identifying issues. For example, here is the ticket information for a specific issue found by Digma:

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