Central (on-prem) Install
In this simple guide, we’ll go over the basic steps required to move beyond local deployment and get Digma up and running in a Kubernetes cluster that multiple people can connect to.
Understanding the Deployment Architecture
Digma is deployed into the K8s cluster into its own namespace. Depending on your application deployment architecture you may want to deploy Digma with different parameters to enable the right connectivity.
You should pay attention to the following regarding the deployment architecture:
Collector-API – This architecture assumes that the application can send observability data to the IP/DNS of this endpoint. You may need to configure your setup to allow this traffic. You may also choose to expose it as a public IP in your deployment (see below under Cloud Deployment)
Analytics-API – This endpoint needs to be accessible to the IDE plugin. If you are deploying Digma into your internal network and use a VPN to access that IP you can choose not to expose this service as a public IP (see below under Cloud Deployment).
Jaeger – Digma bundles its own Jaeger service that aggregates sample traces for various insights, performance metrics, and exceptions. If you do not wish to expose this endpoint or prefer to configure your APM as the trace source, you can choose to disable this endpoint. Digma does offer enhancements over Jaeger such as a two-way mapping between the code and the trace.
Deploying the Digma backend
Access to a Kubernetes cluster
Helm installed locally
Create a free Digma Account and receive back a license token
The recommended way to install Digma in your org is using our Helm chart.
Step 1: Add the Digma Helm repo
Step 2: Deploy Digma using Helm
You’ll need to provide the following parameters in the example below:
DIGMA_LICENSE (string) - If you've signed up for a free Digma account you should have received a Digma license to use. You can use this link to sign up: Create a free Digma Account
Other optional parameters:
--set size
(small | medium | large) - The cluster can be deployed in multiple scales, depending on the expected load. The default sizing ismedium
. If you select a size that is too small to handle the number of spans per second, you'll get a message from the Digma plugin prompting you to upgrade to a bigger size. Please consult the Resource Requirements page for allocating the relevant nodes.--set digmaAnalytics.accesstoken
(any string): This is a unique key you’ll need to provide any IDE that connects to this Digma instance, you can choose any token you'd like.--set embeddedJaeger.enabled
(true/false) – Setting this to False will not expose the port for the Jaeger instance included with Digma. If you’re using your own APM and want to link to that instead, you can leave that at the default value (false)--set imagePullSecretName=my-secret
will configure the specs in the helm chart to use the provided secret when pulling images from DockerHub to avoid pull rate limits.
Cloud Deployment
In order to ease the process of setting up cloud-specific resources such as load balancers, we've created some value files you can use to set up the intended networking.
Using Ingresses instead of Load Balancers for the Digma services
In order to use Ingresses instead of load balancers, you need the following prerequistes to be set up:
An Ingress Controller installed on the cluster
The DNS used by the Ingress rules should be routed to the controller
You should have the Ingress class name
To install Digma using Ingresses first disable load balancers:
You can then set the Ingress resources in a separate YAML file. Here is an example:
Step 3: Validating the deployment
To check everything is working properly we can check the pod status and make sure they are all in the ‘Running’ state:
kubectl get pods -n digma
For example, this is the expected output:
Step 4: Get the IP/DNS value for the Digma deployment
Run the following command to get the address assigned to the Collector, Plugin-API, and Jaeger endpoints (if enabled). You’ll need these to complete the setup. Note that external load balancers for public IPs may take additional time to set up the address.
kubectl get services --namespace digma
Depending on your setup type get the public or internal IP for the following services:
if you have selected to expose this service externallyAnalytics-API:
Capture these addresses as you’ll need them later to setup your IDE plugin.
Step 5: Final validation
You can try calling the following API to validate connectivity and ensure Digma is up and running. You’ll need to use the ANALYTICS-API address you’ve captured in the above step. If you've set an access token, you need to provide it as well as a header for the request, as seen in the example below:
If you are using the optional digmaAnalytics.accesstoken
parameter, add the following argument: -H 'Digma-Access-Token: Token <ACCESS_TOKEN>
to the curl
If you received a non-error response back you’re good to go for the next step!
Connecting your IDE to the Org Digma deployment
Once Digma is up and running you can now set your IDE plugin to connect to it. To do that, open the plugin settings (Go to IntelliJ IDEA -> Settings/Preferences and search for ‘Digma’)
Set the
parameter using the ANALYTICS-API value you’ve captured previously (By default this should be prefixed as ‘https’ and use port 5051)Set the
Runtime observability backend URL
parameter using the ‘COLLECTOR-API’ value you’ve captured previouslySet the
Api token
parameter using the string value you used as an access token if you've provided one during setup.Set the
Jaeger Query URL
(if this option was enabled) using the JAEGER address you’ve captured previously.
Click Apply
to enable the changes and check that the Digma UI is not showing any connection errors.
Last updated