Local Install Architecture

The Digma Engine is defined in a simple Docker Compose file that is available online and consists of four containers:

  • Digma Compound- This container holds the Digma analytics engine for processing traces

  • Digma Persistence - DBs and storage for processing the time series data and aggregating it

  • Jaeger - An embedded Jaeger instance that also has additional features for linking spans with code

  • Digma DS - All of the data science and ML logic for detecting anomalies, calculating correlations, etc

Default Ports

The following are the default ports used by Digma:

  • 5050 is used to collect observability data. This will use the OTEL standard so can accept traces from any OTLP exporter.

  • 5051 is used as a backend API for the plugin. The plugin uses it to retrieve and render the insights and processed data

  • 17686 is the default embedded Jaeger port. This is used to render the visualization for traces including code location data.

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